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The Tale of Genji (Sub.VHS)

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Title: The Tale of Genji
Volume: Sub.VHS
Running time: 110
Distributor: Central Park Media

Release date: 1995-09-05
Suggested retail price: $29.95
Age rating: NR

SKU: CPM-1333
UPC: 719987133334 719987133334
ISBN-10: 1562193317 1562193317
ISBN-13: 9781562193317 9781562193317

This faithful adaptation of Murasaki Shikibu's literary masterpiece evokes the spirit and grandeur of the Heian era–a time when Japan passionately pursued the finer arts of music and literature.

Hikaru Genji, a nobleman who was born the son of an emperor, was made a commoner. He was the most handsome man in the nation with abilities in poetry and music that were unparalleled. This is the story of his life and loves.

His loves were numerous...forbidden, tragic, undiscovered, melancholy and true. Each love emerged with a remarkable vitality and personality distinctive from all the others.

THE TALE OF GENJI...a powerful and stirring epic of love, intrigue and torment.

(added on 2024-08-20, modified on 2024-08-20)

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