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Smokin' Parade (GN 8)

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Title: Smokin' Parade
Volume: GN 8
Distributor: Yen Press

Release date: 2020-08-25
Age rating: 18 Years

ISBN-10: 1975315529 1975315529
ISBN-13: 9781975315528 9781975315528

A new, debilitating illness has brought society to a standstill as nations across the globe scramble to find a cure. But, wonder of wonders, a treatment has just been developed by Amenotori scientists, and the company is distributing the drug worldwide at no cost! Kurama suspects her employer’s benevolence masks an insidious plot, and the Jackalopes are inclined to agree! Brother and sister must reunite to curb the infection—before it’s too late!

(added on 2024-08-18, modified on 2024-08-18)

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