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Requiem of the Rose King (GN 16)

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Title: Requiem of the Rose King
Volume: GN 16
Distributor: Viz Media

Release date: 2022-11-15

ISBN-10: 1974734439 1974734439
ISBN-13: 9781974734436 9781974734436

The intrigue and royal conspiracy in the Bard’s Richard III is given a dark manga twist that will appeal to aficionados of both comics and the classics.

Richard, the ambitious third son of the House of York, believes he is cursed, damned from birth to eternal darkness. But is it truly fate that sets him on the path to personal destruction? Or his own tormented longings? Based on an early draft of Shakespeare’s Richard III, Aya Kanno’s dark fantasy finds the man who could be king standing between worlds, between classes, between good and evil.

When Buckingham mounts a rebellion, Richard is compelled to cross swords with the man who was formerly his other half. Meanwhile, the web of atrocities that Richmond weaves begins to tear Richard’s authority apart!

(added on 2024-07-30, modified on 2024-07-30)

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