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Magical Girl Special Ops Asuka (GN 7)

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Title: Magical Girl Special Ops Asuka
Volume: GN 7
Distributor: Seven Seas Entertainment

Release date: 2019-09-17
Age rating: 16 - 17 Years

ISBN-10: 1642756997 1642756997
ISBN-13: 9781642756999 9781642756999

GIRLS OF MASS DESTRUCTION Asuka and her allies deploy in the Ukraine for a secret mission...only to run headlong into an ambush! What’s more, their enemies are a pair of very familiar faces. Why would Tamara and Peipei turn on their old comrades? It’s a clash between the strongest soldiers in the world, while Makino works behind the scenes to discover the true goal of the villainous Babel Brigade.

(added on 2024-06-25, modified on 2024-06-25)

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