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The Kingdoms of Ruin (GN 6)

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Title: The Kingdoms of Ruin
Volume: GN 6
Distributor: Seven Seas Entertainment

Release date: 2023-05-16

ISBN-10: 1638588465 1638588465
ISBN-13: 9781638588467 9781638588467


Adonis holds within him a deep yearning for revenge against humanity, while Doroka is a kind soul overflowing with forgiveness. Once reluctant partners, now they’ll have to fight back-to-back if they’re to have any hope of survival. Their journey across the wasteland has been interrupted by the sudden appearance of a Redian assassin–the “White Rabbit” Shirousagi. Immune to Doroka’s magic and empowered by dangerous cybernetic technology, he’s bound to be their most desperate battle yet. Science contends against magic in a tale of despair, regret, and vengeance!

(added on 2024-06-11, modified on 2024-06-11)

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