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The Kingdoms of Ruin (GN 2)

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Title: The Kingdoms of Ruin
Volume: GN 2
Distributor: Seven Seas Entertainment

Release date: 2021-04-06
Age rating: 16 Years

ISBN-10: 1648270824 1648270824
ISBN-13: 9781648270826 9781648270826

AN EYE FOR AN EYE Witches were long the shepherds of all mankind, but the scientific Redia Empire rose up to exterminate them, one by one. When they murdered his mentor, the Ice Witch Chloe, Adonis swore revenge on the entire human race. But now, ten years after the Witch Hunts, a revelation stays his hand. Some small number of witches have survived in hiding. They may even hold the key to Chloe’s resurrection. Could a slim hope still remain?

(added on 2024-06-11, modified on 2024-06-11)

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