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Scott Pilgrim - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World [Color Edition] (eBook 2 of 6)

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Title: Scott Pilgrim - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World [Color Edition]
Volume: eBook 2 / 6
Distributor: Oni Press

Release date: 2012-08-08
Suggested retail price: $14.99

ISBN-10: 1620100444 1620100444
ISBN-13: 9781620100448 9781620100448

Presented in full color for the first time, this gorgeous package includes new bonus materials, as well as remastered artwork and lettering! The second volume in Bryan Lee O'Malley's epic, SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD, sees Mr. Pilgrim face off against another of Ramona's exes—Hollywood icon and skateboard enthusiast Lucas Lee!

(added on 2024-06-06, modified on 2024-06-06)

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