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Summertime Rendering (GN 2)

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Title: Summertime Rendering
Volume: GN 2
Distributor: Udon Entertainment

Release date: 2022-06-14
Age rating: 16 - 18 Years

ISBN-10: 1772942332 1772942332
ISBN-13: 9781772942330 9781772942330

Supernatural Anime Of The Year
Mystery Or Psychological Anime Of The Year
Boy Of The Year
Supporting Girl Of The Year

After the tragedy at the Summer Festival, Shinpei started July 22nd for the 4th time! His first priority is to locate Ryunosuke Nagumo. Who is this mysterious lady that could be the key to defeating the Shadows?


(added on 2024-03-09, modified on 2024-03-09)

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