Persona 5: Comic À La Carte (GN)
Title: Persona 5: Comic À La Carte
Volume: GN
Distributor: Udon Entertainment
Release date: 2023-06-13
Age rating: 13 Years
ISBN-10: 1772942596
ISBN-13: 9781772942590
It’s an official manga anthology of PERSONA 5 short stories and comic strips!
A dangerous shopping date! The suffering of a back alley doctor! The Phantom Thieves' Cooking Corner! Over a dozen artists dive into the daily lives of Joker, Futaba, Ryuji, and the rest of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
(added on 2024-03-07, modified on 2024-03-07)
- Encyclopedia information about Persona 5: Comic à la Carte (manga)