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Ascendance of a Bookworm - Part 2: I'll even join the temple to read books! (GN 6)

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Title: Ascendance of a Bookworm - Part 2: I'll even join the temple to read books!
Volume: GN 6
Distributor: J-Novel Club

Release date: 2023-04-18
Age rating: 13+

ISBN-10: 1718372620 1718372620
ISBN-13: 9781718372627 9781718372627

Myne shows the High Priest her rewritten bible to secure his approval. Unfortunately, it only casts doubt on who she claims to be. The High Priest demands answers: how can a girl who struggles to author a simple letter produce something so well-written? Myne struggles with how to respond. Will the truth convince him, or will she risk losing her only ally in the temple?

Find out in the next pages of this biblio-fantasy by book lovers, for book lovers!

(added on 2023-08-10, modified on 2023-08-10)

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