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Kowloon Generic Romance (GN 3)

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Title: Kowloon Generic Romance
Volume: GN 3
Distributor: Yen Press

Release date: 2023-04-25
Age rating: 18+

ISBN-10: 1975345827 1975345827
ISBN-13: 9781975345822 9781975345822

“I don’t remember my past.” In the nostalgia-abundant dystopia of Kowloon Walled City, Reiko is now aware that many mysteries surround her very being. With life turned upside down, she confides in her friend Yaomay about her feelings for Kudou and more. But it’s not only Reiko who has secrets: what of the opportunistic Dr. Hebinuma? A sorrowful, pitiful, ideal love story moves to its next stage…

(added on 2023-07-31, modified on 2023-07-31)

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