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Anne of Green Gables [AU] (BD+DVD)

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Title: Anne of Green Gables [AU]
Volume: BD+DVD
Running time: 100
Distributor: Madman Entertainment

Release date: 2020-07-16
Suggested retail price: $34.95
Age rating: G

SKU: MMA-6594
EAN: 9322225235557 9322225235557

From the late Isao Takahata, known for his work with Studio Ghibli, comes the timeless tale of Anne of Green Gables. Raised in an orphanage, Anne Shirley is unconventional, spirited and fanciful. When she is accidentally sent to live with Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert at Green Gables, she finds herself in a strange new environment. Here, she'll learn about herself, while brightening the lives of those around her.

(added on 2023-07-20, modified on 2023-07-20)

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