Making Magic (eBook 1)

Volume: eBook 1
Running time: 250
Distributor: J-Novel Club
Release date: 2022-11-21
Suggested retail price: $7.99
ISBN-10: 1718316526
ISBN-13: 9781718316522
Looks like I’ve been reincarnated into a gamelike world filled with monsters and dungeons. But don’t worry—it’s nothing I can’t handle. I chose Creation Magic for my unique skill, you see, and it lets me make whatever item I long as I’ve got enough mana. Ah, there’s always a catch, isn’t there? But where there’s a rule, there’s a loophole—and this little witch knows just the trick to expand her mana pool a bit more each day.As for what I’ll be up to in the meantime, first I’ll make a friend. (Literally. Golems are a thing in this world.) Next, I’ll make some tracks. (And the sooner, the better. The goddess dropped me off in the middle of the wastelands). Then finally, one day, I’ll make myself a place where I can truly belong. (That’s the plan, at least.) Time to make some magic!
(added on 2023-05-07, modified on 2023-05-07)
- Encyclopedia information about Making Magic (light novel)