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Do You Like Big Girls? (GN 3)

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Title: Do You Like Big Girls?
Volume: GN 3
Pages: 160
Distributor: Ghost Ship

Release date: 2022-03-08
Age rating: 18+

ISBN-10: 1638581525 1638581525
ISBN-13: 9781638581529 9781638581529


“Shortcake” Sota was roped into becoming the hall director and coach for his sister’s all-girl college volleyball team. Can the diminutive Sota stand up to—and service—these rambunctious giantesses and survive the numerous hurdles of an all-girl dorm life? Maybe! And what about satisfying strange desires of his favorite team member…who happens to be his older sister?! Maybe not!

(added on 2023-01-19, modified on 2023-01-19)

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