ACCA 13-Territory Inspection Department: P.S. (GN 2)
Title: ACCA 13-Territory Inspection Department: P.S.
Volume: GN 2
Pages: 208
Distributor: Yen Press
Release date: 2020-12-15
Age rating: 13 - 18 Years
ISBN-10: 1975317408
ISBN-13: 9781975317409
Supplementary investigations into the conspiracy of the five chief officers reveal new information regarding the covert roles persons such as Chairman Owl, Internal Affairs Agent Nino, and Furawau Inspection Department Agent Canarii played in the coup
d'état. Furthermore, Inspection Department personnel files have been updated to reflect
their post-centennial anniversary status. Release of files-approved.
(added on 2022-10-29, modified on 2022-10-29)
- Encyclopedia information about ACCA 13-Ku Kansatsu-Ka P.S. (manga)