Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz: Glory of the Losers (GN 14)
Title: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz: Glory of the Losers
Volume: GN 14
Pages: 176
Distributor: Vertical
Release date: 2019-11-05
Age rating: 13 - 17 Years
ISBN-10: 1947194798
ISBN-13: 9781947194793
One of the biggest anime/manga properties of all time returns with the release of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. "Glory of the Losers" retells the original WING story by incorporating elements of the anime and its recent light novel adaptations.
The EVE WARS shift into a full-scale battle as the World Nation Army and White Fang clash. Wufei challenges Treize to a battle, which results in Treize’s abrupt defeat. Meanwhile, inside the Libra, which is on course to crash into the Earth, the final battle between Heero and Zechs unfolds.
How will the battle on which the fate of the Earth Sphere rests play out...? Find out in this final volume of Glory of the Losers!
(added on 2022-10-16, modified on 2022-10-16)
- Encyclopedia information about Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz: Glory of the Losers (manga)