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Ushio & Tora [UK] (Sub.VHS 2 of 6)

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Title: Ushio & Tora [UK]
Volume: Sub.VHS 2 / 6
Running time: 60
Distributor: Western Connection

Release date: 1995-02-00
Age rating: 12

EAN: 5021904002988 5021904002988


These episodes show two sides of the regular contact between monsters and humans that lies just below the surface of modern Japanese life. A mystic with considerable powers tracks Tora down and attacks him; Ushio, himself the focus of the hungry monster's sharp-clawed attentions, agrees to help when he learns that the man's family was destroyed by a similar beats. But as the battle progresses, Ushio has a change of heart... from men fighting monsters to supernatural beings chasing humans, episode four shows us a young Asako and Ushio on holiday in the country, starting up an old water wheel which ha slain unused for years. The spirit in the wheel wakes from his long sleep and the first thing he sees is Asako; he determines to find her again. Long years later, he succeeds - and wants her to live with him forever and end his eternal loneliness.
Watch out for the tiny "EYE CATCH" sequence at the mid point of each episode. Used in TV animation to frame the commercial break; "eye catches" have no purpose whatsoever in made-for-video Anime, but the SD (Super-deformed) sequences are so popular that there is one in every episode of USHIO & TORA

(added on 2022-09-03, modified on 2022-09-03)

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