Flying Witch (GN 10)
Title: Flying Witch
Volume: GN 10
Pages: 168
Distributor: Vertical
Release date: 2022-02-22
Suggested retail price: $10.95
Age rating: 13 - 17 Years
ISBN-10: 1647290481
ISBN-13: 9781647290481
Summer Showers and Sourpusses
As summer continues, Makoto takes a trip to back home to Kanagawa. However, her time there won’t be all fun and games. She and her friends have to solve the mystery of a temple that appears to be cursed with never-ending rain. Before long, they find the culprits, but a communication issue may just leave Makoto and her companions all wet!
"Flying Witch emphasizes that while actual magic is nice, there is ultimately magic in everything." �Anime News Network
(added on 2022-08-10, modified on 2022-08-10)
- Encyclopedia information about Flying Witch (manga)