Booty Royale: Never Go Down Without a Fight! [Omnibus] (GN 3)

Volume: GN 3
Pages: 400
Distributor: Ghost Ship
Release date: 2022-03-29
Suggested retail price: $19.99
Age rating: 18+
ISBN-10: 1648275079
ISBN-13: 9781648275074
An idol’s life isn’t easy, but K-Cup karateka Haebaru Misora has trained hard! She has to deal with everything from a toilet stall samurai to a vengeful abuser of sex workers, all while perfecting a treatment for sexual frigidity and keeping up her TV appearances. And then there’s an all-girl mixed martial arts tournament she’s been roped into—how many bones will she have to shatter to make this her big break?
(added on 2022-06-23, modified on 2022-06-23)
- Encyclopedia information about Booty Royale: Never Go Down Without a Fight! (manga)