Tsubasa, RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE (GN 7)

Volume: GN 7
Pages: 208
Distributor: Del Rey
Release date: 2005-10-25
Suggested retail price: $10.99
Age rating: 15+
ISBN-10: 0345477979
ISBN-13: 9780345477972
Young Syaoran and his friends are on a quest to retrieve the magically potent feather-shaped shards of Princess Sakura's memory. The search has led them to the country of Oto, a world with the romantic feel of Japan in the early 1900s. However, another dimension traveler has shown up as well - the immensely powerful Seishiro, who first trained Syaoran. Now he and Syaoran are mortal enemies!
Seishiro's first objective is to kill Fai, beloved wizard and one of Syaoran's closest companions. Does Syaoran, who is just beginning his training, have any hope of surviving their inevitable battle?
Story and art by CLAMP.
(added on 2005-02-26, modified on 2005-02-26)
- Reviewed by Mikhail Koulikov (January 10, 2006)
- Encyclopedia information about Tsubasa, RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE (manga)