Mobile Suit Gundam Wing - Operation 6 (DVD 6 of 10)
Title: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing - Operation 6
Volume: DVD 6 / 10
Running time: 125
Distributor: Bandai Entertainment
Release date: 2004-03-16
Suggested retail price: $19.98
Age rating: 13+
SKU: 80085
UPC: 669198800856
ISBN-10: 159409215X
ISBN-13: 9781594092152
Treize has been arrested for speakin out against the Romefeller Foundation, but he escapes with the help of loyal troops.
Now, Romefeller has declared Treize an enemy along with the Gundams, and they launch Operation Nova to end both threats. Heero and Quatre return to Earth and find themselves the targets of Rome-feller, and are forced into battle once more.
Meanwhile, as they question the path they are on, Relena declares the Sanc Kingdom neutral. It is an open invitation for friend and foe.
Contains episodes 26-30
(added on 2001-11-15, modified on 2021-05-27)
- Reviewed by Chris Shepard (November 8, 2001)
- Encyclopedia information about Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (TV)