Cartoon Craze Presents: The World of Hans Christian Anderson (Dub.DVD-R0)
Title: Cartoon Craze Presents: The World of Hans Christian Anderson
Volume: Dub.DVD-R0
Running time: 71
Distributor: Digiview Entertainment
Release date: 2004-04-04
SKU: CC-137
UPC: 872322002341
The World of Hans Christian Andersen
Produced in Japan, this full-length animated feature relates the story of a young Hans Christian Andersen, and tells of his efforts to help out his cash-strapped shoemaker father. The story incorporates elements of two classic Andersen fables, and makes use of many wondrous characters, places and situations. Beautifully produced, this delightful film will appeal not just to anime enthusiasts, but to broad general audiences as well.
(added on 2021-12-27, modified on 2021-12-27)
- Encyclopedia information about Fables from Hans Christian Andersen (movie)