Adventure Kid - [Anime HotShots] (Dub.DVD 1 of 3)
Title: Adventure Kid - [Anime HotShots]
Volume: Dub.DVD 1 / 3
Running time: 30
Distributor: Anime HotShots
Release date: 2002-11-30
Suggested retail price: $9.95
Age rating: 18+
SKU: AHS-1029
UPC: 719987102927
ISBN-10: 1586646788
ISBN-13: 9781586646783
When computer geek Norikazu finds a strange computer in his backyard, he can?t resist tinkering, with disastrous results! He and his lover get sucked inside a nightmarish computer generated world where they are attacked by demons and lecherous zombies.
(added on 2021-10-30, modified on 2021-10-30)
- Encyclopedia information about Adventure Kid (OAV)