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Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files - King Urameshi (DVD 30 of 32)

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Title: Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files - King Urameshi
Volume: DVD 30 / 32
Running time: 62
Distributor: FUNimation Entertainment

Release date: 2005-04-19
Suggested retail price: $24.98
Age rating: 13+

SKU: FN-06702
UPC: 704400067020 704400067020
ISBN-10: 1421005883 1421005883
ISBN-13: 9781421005881 9781421005881

As Raizen's dominion comes to an end, a new era dawns. Former Spirit Detective Yusuke Urameshi now sits at the throne ruling over one third of Demon World. He now bears the incredible burden of maintaining a tenuous peace.

But Yomi and Mukuro also know of Raizen's passing. As they prepare for a final showdown with Yusuke and his army, they are presented with an unheard of offer: A tournament to decide the next ruler of Demon World!

Contains episodes 104-106:
Every Demon For Himself
The Preliminaries
The Battle of Father And Son

DVD Features: Character Profiles, Textless Songs, Trailers.

Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English Subtitles.

(added on 2005-01-25, modified on 2005-01-25)

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