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Spaceship Agga Ruter (DVD)

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Title: Spaceship Agga Ruter
Volume: DVD
Running time: 120
Distributor: Anime 18

Release date: 2001-10-09
Suggested retail price: $29.95
Age rating: 18+

SKU: A18D-2079
UPC: 719987207929 719987207929
ISBN-10: 1586640755 1586640755
ISBN-13: 9781586640750 9781586640750

Captain Taiyo and his super-seductive partner travel the galaxy, surviving on their skills in love. So they're more than ready to take on a sexy space pirate with designs on domination. Soon, this voluptuous vixen is eating out of their hands. But she's wanted in more ways than one, and when the Space Fleet shows up to collar her, Taiyo must rescue her from a sticky situation.

Contains the programs Troublemaker and Sweet Release.

DVD Features: Storyboards, Art Gallery, Character Sketch Gallery, Production Design Sketch Gallery, Meet the Characters, Sneak Peeks, Anime Artform, Interactive Menus, Chapter Stops.

DVD-ROM Features: Art Gallery, Scripts, Storyboards, Sketch Gallery, Cast & Full Production Credits.

(added on 2021-09-26, modified on 2021-09-26)

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