The Girl with the Sanpaku Eyes (eBook 2)
Title: The Girl with the Sanpaku Eyes
Volume: eBook 2
Running time: 129
Distributor: Denpa
Release date: 2020-08-11
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1634429613
ISBN-13: 9781634429610
If Amane was shy towards her classmates, imagine her in front of the entire student body as she stars in a live performance of the classic Japanese fairy tale -Momotaro! A special event like this requires special practice sessions. Karaoke and arcades are in store! She is going to have to perform (have fun) even if it kills her.
(added on 2021-08-26, modified on 2021-08-26)
- Encyclopedia information about (The) Girl With the Sanpaku Eyes (manga)