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Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World (Novel 8)

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Title: Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World
Volume: Novel 8
Pages: 224
Distributor: Yen On

Release date: 2022-01-18
Suggested retail price: $15
Age rating: 13 - 18 Years

ISBN-10: 1975322126 1975322126
ISBN-13: 9781975322120 9781975322120


​As the night of the witch hunt ends, the Nebulis Sovereignty finds it’s sustained nearly insurmountable damage. Its citizens are pointing fingers at the royal family, demanding they take responsibility for the chaos and accelerate the conclave to select a new queen. Meanwhile, Alice entrusts Iska with the task of rescuing Sisbell, the only one capable of revealing who is responsible for the Imperial raid. Iska’s next destination? The research facility run by the House of Hydra! Just who is the blue-haired princess who awaits them there?

(added on 2021-07-31, modified on 2021-08-02)

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