Million Arthur - Complete Series (Blu-ray)

Volume: Blu-ray
Running time: 600
Distributor: FUNimation Entertainment
Release date: 2020-07-21
Suggested retail price: $69.98
Age rating: 14+
SKU: FN-10208
UPC: 704400102080
Million Arthur Blu-ray contains episodes 1-22 of the anime directed by Youhei Suzuki, plus 3 OVAs.
The legendary sword “Excalibur” weighs and measures all. Anyone it deems worthy of gaining tremendous power does so, and inherits the name “Arthur”. However, Excalibur dubs generously. With an overabundance of “worthy” dignitaries, six Arthurs travel to England to defeat the corrupt leadership that plagues their country and the world.
Special Features: TBD
Originally scheduled for 2020-04-07.
(added on 2021-06-20, modified on 2021-06-20)
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