The Rising of the Shield Hero (GN 7)

Volume: GN 7
Pages: 168
Distributor: One Peace Books
Release date: 2017-11-14
Suggested retail price: $11.95
Age rating: 14+
ISBN-10: 1944937277
ISBN-13: 9781944937270
"If you refuse to fight, I'll have to kill you all."
Naofumi and his friends meet Fitoria, the queen of the filolials. But in order to fulfill her own objectives, Fitoria challenges Filo to battle! What's more, the Spear Hero, Motoyasu, utters something absolutely shocking. In the midst of despair, when all seems lost, what will Naofumi do?
(added on 2021-05-31, modified on 2021-08-02)
- Encyclopedia information about (The) Rising of the Shield Hero (manga)