Mobile Suit Gundam Wing - Operation 4 (DVD 4 of 10)
Title: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing - Operation 4
Volume: DVD 4 / 10
Running time: 125
Distributor: Bandai Entertainment
Release date: 2000-11-14
Suggested retail price: $24.98
Age rating: 13+
SKU: 1673
UPC: 669198167393
ISBN-10: 1583546839
ISBN-13: 9781583546833
OZ continues its campaign to crush the alliance military. Quatre and Duo, returning to space to warn the colonies of OZ’s tactics, find themselves declared the enemy by their own colonies!
Meanwhile, the battle between the newly-rebuilt Wing Gundam and the Tallgeese comes to a conclusion. As Duo begins a one-man war in space, Heero must stop an OZ plan to build new mobile suits.
Contains episodes 16-20
Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English subtitles.
(added on 2021-05-27, modified on 2021-05-27)
- Encyclopedia information about Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (TV)