Negima! + Negima!? - Animated Collections (Blu-ray)
Title: Negima! + Negima!? - Animated Collections
Volume: Blu-ray
Running time: 1355
Distributor: Sentai Filmworks
Release date: 2020-10-20
Suggested retail price: $129.98
Age rating: 14+
UPC: 816726026930
Negima! + Negima!? contains Season 1 episodes 1-26 of Negima! directed by Akiyuki Simbo, Season 2 episodes 1-26 of Negima!? directed by Nobuyoshi Habara, and the Spring and Summer OVAs both directed by Akiyuki Simbo.
Few fantasy characters have become as popular or been adapted into so many mediums as quickly as boy wizard Negima Springfield, and now both of the world's foremost 10-year old magical teacher's animated series are collected in one doubly entertaining collection! In NEGIMA!, Negi is assigned to teach a class at the exclusive Mahora Academy, where all the students have unusual skills and secrets and some aren't even human!
They're also all teenage girls, which becomes a bit of a problem when some start to develop romantic feelings towards him! Then, in NEGIMA!?, a mysterious artifact known as the Star Crystal disappears, and Negi and his all-girl regiment of gifted students find themselves trapped in the middle of the mystery! Get ready for ghosts, vampires, ninjas, time travelers, and cheerleaders on the prowl in this anime collection!
(added on 2021-05-25, modified on 2021-05-25)
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