Infini-T Force the Movie: Farewell, Friend (Blu-ray)
Title: Infini-T Force the Movie: Farewell, Friend
Volume: Blu-ray
Running time: 90
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 2021-01-05
Suggested retail price: $24.98
Age rating: 14+
UPC: 782009245995
Infini-T Force the Movie: Farewell, Friend is an anime film directed by Jun Matsumoto.
Once again Gatchaman, Polymar, Tekkaman and Casshern unite to fight a new foe, but his time it appears that Ken’s world may be the source of the problem. When the Science Ninja Team arrives it is usually a good thing, but when Joe Asakura appears Ken has to decide if his one of his oldest allies has become an enemy.
Special Features: Trailers, Art Galleries.
(added on 2021-05-23, modified on 2021-05-23)
- Encyclopedia information about Infini-T Force the Movie Farewell, Friend