Sakura Wars the Animation - The Complete Season (Blu-ray)
Title: Sakura Wars the Animation - The Complete Season
Volume: Blu-ray
Running time: 300
Distributor: FUNimation Entertainment
Release date: 2021-05-18
Suggested retail price: $64.98
Age rating: 14+
SKU: FN-10457
UPC: 704400104572
Sakura Wars the Animation contains episodes 1-12 of the anime directed by Manabu Ono.
Ten years after the demon war, the new Imperial Combat Revue’s Flower Division is assigned a new captain, Seijuro Kamiyama. Now, Sakura and the rest of the troupe must adjust to the change, face a demon invasion, and prepare for an upcoming tournament. They’ll have to juggle all this while keeping up with their training and continuing to put on shows at their home, the Imperial Theater.
Special Features: Commercials, Promo Video, Teaser, Textless Opening Song, and Textless Closing Song.
(added on 2021-05-21, modified on 2021-05-21)
- Encyclopedia information about Sakura Wars the Animation (TV)