Hello Kitty's Animation Theater - Once Upon A Time (DVD 1 of 4)
Title: Hello Kitty's Animation Theater - Once Upon A Time
Volume: DVD 1 / 4
Running time: 100
Distributor: ADV Films
Release date: 2005-02-01
Suggested retail price: $14.98
Age rating: ALL
UPC: 702727101625
Everyone's favorite feline, Hello Kitty, is here with her friends in some of the best stories of all time! Come along and join Kitty, Mimmy, Badtz-Maru, Pochacco, My Melody and Dear Daniel as they re-tell your favorite classic tales in their own adorable style.
DVD Features: Clean Opening and Closing Animation, Previews.
Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English subtitles.
(added on 2004-12-02, modified on 2004-12-02)
- Encyclopedia information about Hello Kitty's Animation Theater (TV)