Kuma Miko: Girl Meets Bear (GN 2)
Title: Kuma Miko: Girl Meets Bear
Volume: GN 2
Pages: 144
Distributor: One Peace Books
Release date: 2016-12-20
Suggested retail price: $11.95
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1935548522
ISBN-13: 9781935548522
Machi is 14 years old and has spent her whole life in the Touhoku Mountains as a miko. Raised alongside a talking bear, Natsu, she knows nothing of modern life. But, she s enthralled with its mysteries and determined to figure them out. Natsu attempts to prepare her for the trials and tribulations she will face entering the fast-paced city in this comical coming of age story of a backwoods girl in Japan.
Story and art by Masume Yoshimoto.
(added on 2019-10-19, modified on 2019-10-19)
- Encyclopedia information about Kuma Miko: Girl Meets Bear (manga)