Aho-Girl (GN 12 of 12)
Title: Aho-Girl
Volume: GN 12 / 12
Pages: 144
Distributor: Kodansha Comics
Release date: 2019-04-16
Suggested retail price: $12.99
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1632367165
ISBN-13: 9781632367167
The cherry blossom’s petals grace spring with their pale pink hue for but a few, fleeting days before falling. Time grinds ever forward, turning oceans into deserts and mountains into dust. Even the greatest human life is destined to become dimly-remembered history before vanishing into oblivion forever. And yet—could it be that the one unchanging thing in this cold universe is not hope, nor faith, nor even love, but sheer, utter, total stupidity? And if so, would that not make Yoshiko like unto a god? Eh, probably not.
Story and art by Hiroyuki.
(added on 2019-04-13, modified on 2019-04-13)
- Encyclopedia information about Aho-Girl (manga)