Sword Art Online - Alicization Uniting (Novel 14)
Title: Sword Art Online - Alicization Uniting
Volume: Novel 14
Pages: 208
Distributor: Yen On
Release date: 2018-08-21
Suggested retail price: $14
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 0316390488
ISBN-13: 9780316390484
Kirito has faced innumerable hardships in the two long years since he first awoke in the Underworld, but his greatest battle yet lies ahead. As they near Administrator's chamber at the top of Central Cathedral, Kirito and Alice confront a heartrendingly familiar foe on the ninety-ninth floor. The final obstacle standing before them is none other than Eugeo...wearing the armor of an Integrity Knight! Can Kirito's cries reach Eugeo in the tortured recesses of his mind? Or will Administrator have the last laugh?!
Written by Reki Kawahara.
(added on 2019-02-25, modified on 2019-02-25)
- Encyclopedia information about Sword Art Online (light novel)