Love Me, My Knight (eBook 2)

Volume: eBook 2
Distributor: BookWalker
Release date: 2017-11-07
Suggested retail price: $3.99
SKU: B-07757-LTKW
EAN: 2940154771136
Goh and Sammy both like yakko?! Sammy says he will quit beehive for Yakko. Yakko’s father finds out they are in a rock band and has a big fight with Yakko. Yakko runs away from home. Goh goes to look for her. Will Yakko finally realize her true feelings?
(added on 2018-09-08, modified on 2018-09-08)
- Reviewed by Rebecca Silverman (September 8, 2018)
- Encyclopedia information about Love Me, My Knight (manga)