The First King Adventure (GN 2)
Title: The First King Adventure
Volume: GN 2
Pages: 184
Distributor: ADV Manga
Release date: 2005-02-22
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 7+
UPC: 702727018381
ISBN-10: 1413902251
ISBN-13: 9781413902259
As their journey continues, the prince and his companions are briefly introduced to Narito and his little sister Miwa. The strange siblings' sudden departure strikes Varumu with a revelation about the spirit masters.
Further down the road, a fellow named Leanne Phaigrey Drown finds the man for whom he's been searching, while Yutaka and the other kids learn the facts surrounding the relationship between Varumu, the mark on his hand, and the spirit masters. Meanwhile, the contracts continue to be made...
Story and art by Moyamu Fujino.
(added on 2004-11-06, modified on 2004-11-06)
- Encyclopedia information about (The) First King Adventure (manga)