Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz: Glory of the Losers (GN 3)
Title: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz: Glory of the Losers
Volume: GN 3
Pages: 200
Distributor: Vertical
Release date: 2017-11-14
Suggested retail price: $12.95
Age rating: 17+
ISBN-10: 1945054360
ISBN-13: 9781945054365
Following the actions of five fighters and their mobile suits (large robots made for destruction), Gundam Wing is a heavily political, dramatic action work that is centered around a war between Earth and its surrounding colonies in space.
Story and art by Katsuyuki Sumizawa, adapted by Tomofumi Ogasawara, and is based on the work of Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yadate.
(added on 2017-08-14, modified on 2017-08-14)
- Encyclopedia information about Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz: Glory of the Losers (manga)