Aho-Girl (GN 2 of 12)
Title: Aho-Girl
Volume: GN 2 / 12
Pages: 176
Distributor: Kodansha Comics
Release date: 2017-08-29
Suggested retail price: $12.99
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1632364581
ISBN-13: 9781632364586
These are just some of the impenetrable mysteries in Yoshiko Hanabatake’s life: Why is her best friend Akkun always angry? Why does she keep getting zeros on her tests? Why do bananas taste so good? For one as enlightened as she, the answers are irrelevant. And yet her total obliviousness may prove to be a liability as the forces around her struggle for supremacy. Or, actually, she’ll probably be fine.
Story and art by Hiroyuki.
(added on 2017-08-09, modified on 2017-08-09)
- Encyclopedia information about Aho-Girl (manga)