After Hours (eBook 1 of 3)

Volume: eBook 1 / 3
Running time: 158
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 2017-06-13
Suggested retail price: $6.99
Age rating: 16+
ISBN-10: 1421597888
ISBN-13: 9781421597881
The club is hopping and Emi isn’t…so she ends up hiding in a corner after her friend ditches her to flirt with a guy! Emi figures the night is a bust, but then someone amazing comes to her rescue. Kei is a DJ, and her effortless self-confidence captivates Emi. Is this just a wonderful night out or the start of the rest of her life?
(added on 2017-05-31, modified on 2017-05-31)
- Encyclopedia information about After Hours (manga)