Saiyuki Reload (DVD 1 of 7)
Title: Saiyuki Reload
Volume: DVD 1 / 7
Running time: 100
Distributor: Geneon Entertainment Inc.
Release date: 2005-02-08
Suggested retail price: $29.98
Age rating: 16+
SKU: 12441
UPC: 013023244191
The legendary Sanzo group continues on the path to saving the world from the revival of Gyumaoh and his demons. As they travel, Goku, Gojyo, Hakkai and Sanzo use their tremendous powers to restore peace to Shangri-la. However, there are many who wish for the victory of the dark side...
(added on 2004-10-28, modified on 2004-10-28)
- Encyclopedia information about Saiyuki Reload (TV)