To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts (eBook 2)

Volume: eBook 2
Running time: 200
Distributor: Kodansha Comics
Release date: 2016-11-11
Suggested retail price: $7.99
ISBN-13: 9781682334669
Schaal and Hnk travel to Whitechurch, where Hank hopes to find Cain Madhouse, the man who “loosed the Beasts upon the world.” As Hank reveals his complicated relationship with Cain, the journeying duo stumble across a second Beast lurking in Whitechurch that is wreaking havoc among the city’s slums out of a twisted sense of justice…
(added on 2017-01-17, modified on 2017-01-17)
- Encyclopedia information about To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts (manga)