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Otorimonogatari [UK] (Sub.DVD-R2 3 of 6)

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Title: Otorimonogatari [UK]
Volume: Sub.DVD-R2 3 / 6
Running time: 96
Distributor: MVM

Release date: 2015-01-19
Suggested retail price: $19.99
Age rating: 15

SKU: MVD-2345
EAN: 5060067005917 5060067005917

Nadeko encounters a giant snake who claims to be a deity named Kuchinawa. Kuchinawa promises Nadeko that he would grant her wish if she aids him in the search of his object of worship. Little does Nadeko know that obtaining the object of worship will cost her more than what she expected. Koyomi tries to convince Nadeko to let go of the object of worship, but it's too late, and Nadeko swallows the object and becomes a snake apparition! To make things worse, now Nadeko wants to kill Koyomi and Shinobu Oshino!

Extras: Clean Opening Animation, Clean Closing Animation, TV Spots & Omnibus 3 video

(added on 2016-12-15, modified on 2016-12-15)

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