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Koimonogatari [UK] (Sub.DVD-R2 5 of 6)

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Title: Koimonogatari [UK]
Volume: Sub.DVD-R2 5 / 6
Running time: 144
Distributor: MVM

Release date: 2015-03-23
Suggested retail price: $19.99
Age rating: 15

SKU: MVD-2347
EAN: 5060067005955 5060067005955

On January 1st, Hitagi Senjyogahara calls her nemesis, the con-artist Deishu Kaiki, to request his services, saying, "There is someone I'd like you to deceive." The request is a bitter choice for her to make, but one that would save her and her dear Koyomi Araragi from a "death sentence."

Kaiki starts to research his target, Nadeko Sengoku, the junior high school girl who became a god of North Shirahebi Shrine. As Kaiki investigates her background, he finds her secret that she has never told anyone before, including her beloved Koyomi Araragi. Can Kaiki save Hitagi and Koyomi before time is up?!

Fifth arc to the Monogatari series' second season.

(added on 2016-12-15, modified on 2016-12-15)

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