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Gregory Horror Show - Nightmare Train (Dub.DVD 3 of 3)

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Title: Gregory Horror Show - Nightmare Train
Volume: Dub.DVD 3 / 3
Running time: 75
Distributor: Geneon Entertainment Inc.

Release date: 2005-01-12
Suggested retail price: $24.98
Age rating: 13+

SKU: 12279
UPC: 013023227996 013023227996

On a foggy night, Gregory, with a beat up suitcase, looks around wistfully and places his foot on the steps to board the Nightmare train. The door closes, the whistle echoes, and the train slowly leaves the station. The passengers on the train seem familiar to him. The train quickly dashes to another world and Gregory's new journey begins. Nobody knows where the train is headed or what waits for Gregory at the terminal station!

Contains 26 horrific nightmares from Gregory Horror Show "The Last Train" and 4 bonus episodes of Gregory Horror Show "The Bloody Karte".

Spoken Languages: English.

(added on 2004-09-22, modified on 2023-11-28)
Encyclopedia information about

  • Gregory Horror Show: The Bloody Karte (TV)
  • Gregory Horror Show: The Last Train (TV)
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