The Rising of the Shield Hero (GN 5)

Volume: GN 5
Pages: 160
Distributor: One Peace Books
Release date: 2016-10-18
Suggested retail price: $11.95
Age rating: 14+
ISBN-10: 1935548549
ISBN-13: 9781935548546
Naofumi has been magically summoned to another world as the legendary Shield Hero, but all that awaits him there is betrayal and heartache. Finding nothing but opposition and strife Naofumi makes his way to another country within the realm. But suddenly terrible waves of destruction arrive to desolate the world! To make matters worse, the country that he is supposed to be serving has just accused him of kidnapping the princess!
Story by Aneko Yusagi and art by Aiya Kyu.
(added on 2016-10-08, modified on 2016-10-08)
- Encyclopedia information about (The) Rising of the Shield Hero (manga)