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Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files - Tempting Fate [Uncut] (Dub.VHS 27)

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Title: Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files - Tempting Fate [Uncut]
Volume: Dub.VHS 27
Running time: 62
Distributor: FUNimation Entertainment

Release date: 2004-11-23
Suggested retail price: $19.98
Age rating: NR

SKU: FN-06695
UPC: 704400066955 704400066955

Yusuke Urameshi suffers from a recurring nightmare that he just can’t shake. Are there deeper meanings hidden behind the bizarre occurrences? Genkai sends Yusuke to the home of a former Spirit Detective. But what he doesn’t know is that someone knows his destination... and more about his past than he ever thought possible!

(added on 2004-08-20, modified on 2004-08-20)

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