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Ai Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~ - Destiny + Figures (DVD 3 of 3)

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Title: Ai Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~ - Destiny + Figures
Volume: DVD 3 / 3
Running time: 100
Distributor: Geneon Entertainment Inc.

Release date: 2004-11-09
Suggested retail price: $39.98
Age rating: 13+

SKU: 12317
UPC: 013023231795 013023231795

Includes DVD Volume 3 and Limited Edition Figurines(Chika and Tina).

What a time for surprises for all of the friends! Kaoru and Aoi go on a date together and spend their time reminiscing and enjoying each other's company. The two end up spending the evening at a hotel...

Later, the residents of the Sakuraba mansion decide to go to a spa resort and Kaoru winds up seeing more than he was meant to! Digital cameras can be so much fun – the gang decide to take some pictures of themselves, dressing up in costumes and outfits that turn out to be very fun. Tina then takes a trip back home to America, leaving the rest of the household worried and missing her... will she ever come back?

DVD Features: Non-credit ending for Episode 9, Yoko Ishida Live Concert Footage at Anime Expo 2004.

Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English Subtitles.

(added on 2004-08-10, modified on 2004-08-10)

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